Your support makes a difference at Veritas Academy!

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Your support makes a difference at Veritas Academy!

Through your generosity, we continue to fulfill and further the mission and ministry of our school at Veritas Academy. Thank you for joining us in this meaningful and worthy pursuit as we... partner with Christian parents to provide their children with a classical Christian education for the lifelong pursuit of wisdom and virtue in the service of Jesus Christ for the glory of God.


  • General Giving Fund: As a growing PreSchool-12th grade community, there are always classroom, campus, and operational needs that come up during the school year. Giving to our general fund helps ensure we are prepared to meet as many of these needs as possible while our students continue to have a robust experience in their classes and activities.
  • Tuition Assistance: Veritas education should be accessible for every family that desires a classical, Christian education within the university-model framework, and Tuition Assistance (TA) is the primary means for making that possible.
  • Campus Improvements: Our beautiful 97-acre campus is full of opportunities to create outdoor classrooms, play areas, trails, gathering spaces, and so much more for our students and families to enjoy!
  • Defender Athletics: Our student-athletes work hard on and off the field/court as they represent the Defenders and seek to glorify the Lord in victory and defeat.
  • Fine & Performing Arts: Through the arts, students perform, study, create, and enjoy God and His creation more deeply. With programs expanding across all three school levels, the Veritas community also benefits from many showcases and exhibits throughout the year, which sometimes include sponsorship opportunities.
  • Science & Technology: Classical education is centered around great books and discussion, with ample hands-on learning and experiments. To bring these experiences to life, science equipment and technology enhancements throughout the school are always needed.

Donations made to Veritas Academy are tax-deductible. Tax ID: 20-1632745

Contact Us

Katie Luevano
Advancement Director
(512) 891-1675

Bridget Salas
Accounting Assistant